Surveillance Technology-Nagisa Kanakubo

 I think surveillance technology is necessary for our safety. However, it can be dangerous thing.

 That technology is very useful to prevent crime and keep cities safe. In fact, there are so many CCTV cameras all over my country. And I have never been involved in crime. That tells us thanks to them, we can live more peacefully. However, some of them make me uncomfortable. For example, when I realize that someone is watching my movement, shopping habits and myself, I feel scared even if I don’t have nothing to hide. In other words, I worry that someone can identify me if my personal information is leaked.

 In short, surveillance technology is important, but I feel that our privacy may be invaded.


  1. I think the leakage of personal information is very scary.I agree with you.

  2. You're absolutely right. CCTV always protects us from crimes, but it is also true that it could be became an invasion of privacy. I think that we have to use it more wisely.

  3. I agree with you. Surveillance technology makes our life and cities safer, but we sometimes feel uncomfortable because we are always watched by someone in anyplace. People can protect their privacy by not typing personal information on the Internet or something, but in case of being in the city, we cannot protect ourselves from any cameras or facial recognition system.

  4. Thank you for your great writing.
    When it comes to the balance between security and our privacy, there are a lot of things we should discuss more as you stated in your article.
    I also feel uncomfortable when I realized someone watching me though I'm innocent.

  5. I agree with your opinion. It is true that surveillance technology is revolutionary and useful, it can invade our privacy if it is used wrongly.

  6. There are many CCTV cameras in Japan especially in Tokyo! I think this is because there are many people there. Thanks to them, we can live safely and peacefully.

  7. I completely agree with your opinion. It is uncomfortable that you cannot hide though you understand  someone watching you.

  8. I also have never been involved in crimes, so I have to thank to surveillance technology.


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