Surveillance Technology - Hanako Fujimoto


I think surveillance technologies are essential for our safe living.

 CCTV cameras, facial recognition technology, and number plate recognition would help prevent crimes such as housebreakers and find criminals. Using many of these technologies would reduce crime. Microchips in products would help to create better products and it will enable us to buy what suits us. 

However, surveillance technologies have not only a positive side. For example, there is a possibility that our personal data is leaked and abused by someone. In addition, the things that we don’t want to be seen such as a password or any other private things can be caught on CCTV cameras. 

While it is important to stay safe, our privacy must also be well protected. I think people should strive for the development of surveillance technologies to take balance safe living and privacy protection.


  1. I thought the balance between a safe life and privacy is very important.I look forward to the future development of surveillance technology:)

  2. I agree with the opinion that we must keep the balance between safety and the protection of privacy.
    However, it is so difficult to do that.
    I think we should think about these problems more.

  3. Agreed, developments in the use of surveillance technology need to move hand in hand with developments in the protection of personal privacy. David :-)

  4. However I pay much attention not to write personal information on illegal site, if we were watched by CCTV cameras, we cannot do anything to protect ourselves. We must have got tired of paying attention everywhere.

  5. I think it is annoying for me to be seen everywhere.


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