Nonlawan Nithikasem, Letter to My Future Self

Dear me in 2033,

Actually, writing a letter to myself in the future is kind of a new experience, which I’m not sure what to write about as I’m not confident enough.

Anyway, let’s try.. :-)

How have you been? Life through a decade is a long journey right? And I know it won’t be easy, but I do know it'll be worth it, so chin up and keep going. 

I hope when you receive this letter, you'll become a better, stronger and happier me. 

A gentle reminder to you that whatever happens, let it happen. One day you will thank for, both bad days and good days, it’ll shape who you become.

Me now in 2023, is still out of track and finding myself. But it’s okay I think at least I know myself more, know that my happiness is important and only I can make myself happy. Family is the one who will always be my home, and support me through ups and downs. Sometimes you have to let go what isn’t meant to be, rather know to appreciate and work for your dream again.

Please bloom bravely and shine in your own way. 

I really hope you could have succeeded in your career, be a translator and at some point also a university’s teacher. Because it’s your long term goal and passion, which you are making effort now. Please don’t give up and don’t be so lazy haha (time won’t never rewind).

However, if things turn upside down again, never mind, let’s embrace yourself. You’ll go through it as you have been.

Anyway better days are coming, so glad that I came to New Zealand. I found myself who enjoys life back! Finally, I made a right and wise choice in these few years. And better things will come to your way more, new beginning awaits!

See ya me in the future :-)


Dunedin, New Zealand


  1. I like the sentence. " Please bloom bravely and shine in your own way. "

  2. Hi Nadia, you give such wise and wonderful advice to your future self! I particularly like how you encourage yourself to take responsibility for your own happiness and also that you emphasise making effort to achieve your dreams.

  3. What a beautiful letter! I love your attractive sense...xD


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