A decision I've made - Nonlawan N. (Nadia)

Through many years I’ve made many decisions which far or less shaped me who I become today. One of the best decisions that I’ve made was back to 2012, when I first stepped out of my comfort zone, to see the bigger world. That was my first time going aboard alone to this lovely country, New Zealand which turns to be one of my most blissful memories that it will take a place in my heart as always.

I had been an exchange student for one month at Oxford Area School, in Oxford – a small city near Christchurch, where there are more sheep than people.

Every morning I could see a beautiful view, with the greenery farmlands with many sheep lying down under the clear blue sky. Further away, there was a range of mountain covered by the white snow. This could say that it is worth wasting time while waiting for the school bus.

Not only the view that impressed me, people here - my host family, classmates, and everyone I met, they are all friendly and nice to me. What’s more, I had been exploring and trying my first time experience a lot, that I really enjoyed and surprised myself. For example, it was my first-time trying lamb steak, which I’d really loving it. I also had a chance riding a horse uphill, which was exciting that I might fall or not. I also tried sheepshearing and was a volunteer for ordering dogs to sheep shepherd. It was also my first time hugging alpacas, which was funny. And, playing trampoline with my little cute host sis was so fun.

Through one month, my English, especially speaking and listening had improved a lot. I used to spend long time to think when responding to one question, for grammar corrections and vocabularies. But, I gradually developed my speaking skills and confidence, and enjoy speaking English more and more each day. It made me realise for communicating general topics, we don’t have to worry much about the grammar, but we should speak impromptu and as long as it could convey meaning, that’s good enough.

Therefore, my first time travelling to New Zealand also made New Zealand stayed in my heart and it is a reason why I choose to come here again.  


  1. I envy your experience. I've never stayed in Aukland.

  2. You experienced a lot of things in there and you loved it! That's so good :P

  3. OMG, what a coincidence. We are exchange student same school same year but different season.

  4. I've also realized that I don't have to worry too much about grammars recently.

  5. Nice story. Believe it or not, my father grew up on a farm just outside Oxford. He went to Oxford School just like you. You atteneded his alma mater. David :-)

  6. Wow. such an enviable experience.


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