A Decision I've Made - Toey Chanisara

 I have made a big decision In my life last year in Thailand. Last year after covid around mid year I was thinking that do I want to do next instead of take care family business and drinking hangout socialize every night with friends. And lastly I come out with study master degree aboard and now I end up with New Zealand. 

Why is New Zealand? I had studied short course at New Zealand before in 2012 and also my dad studied University in Christchurch and graduate here long time ago. Then I was think which University that I should study and at last I choose University at Otago Dunedin. And the most luckiest thing is my brother (cousin) he also study at University of Otago to so I'm not so lonely when I arrived. 

The big change is I never stay oversea or in different country long like this time. When I arrived I have opportunities to study more english as  you know my english is not good especially grammar. And another big change is i have to do everything by my self such as cooking, laundry, house work and etc. These thing make me learn about life more. So since in came here I thing i have step one more forward in my life. My goal now to pass Ielts or EFO to study Master of Tourism in The University of Otago. 

If you ask me what quote or words describes my life I would say "EVERY THING HAPPENS FOR A REASON" and "LIFE IS UNCERTAINTY" so live your life and think out side the box and take risk made mistake.


  1. Your English is sooo good! You should have confidence in your English.

  2. It is always hard for people to get used to it a new country and culture. You' ve done really good job!

  3. I think you did a very brave decision to step forward achieving your dream! I also fell in love with New Zealand, couldn’t agree more that it was the right choice to come here again. Hope you pass IELTS / EFO soon!

  4. I hope you can pass IELTS or EFO course! Ganbatte:)

  5. Thanks for sharing your story, Toey. Sounds like you have been learning so much here. The goal of doing an Masters in Tourism at Otago is a daunting one, but the potential gains are significant too, aren't they. David :-)

  6. it is very nice to meet you here in Dunedin, hope we all pass the IELTS test, fighting.


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