To Open Up To Tourism Or Not - Himari Kosugi

 I think that pristine natural areas basically shouldn't be opened up to tourism because tourism can destroy such precious nature easily. They have grown over tremendous years. However, espoiling them is much easier than growing up. It means that once pristine natural areas are despoiled, it can be said those are no longer recoverable. It's suck, isn't it?

On the other hand, I believe that people can learn a lot of things from precious nature. They can learn how it's important to protect the nature.

I think there's a perfect solution to improve both the nature and tourism. Only guided tours should be allowed into the areas. I believe it can make sustainable tourism happen.


  1. Pristine natural areas are the treasure for all mankind, we should not only try hard to protect them by ourselves but also promote more people to join us.

  2. Make sense. I didn't think about the toured sightseeing, but it is a good idea.

  3. A thoughtful response to the issue, Himari. On reading your response I thought of the guided walks to Jomon Sugi in Yakushima that I came across when hiking in the region. Another way to protect the environment is to require bookings to be made for forest and mountain trails. That way the number of users is capped. David :-)

  4. I think it should be opend up to tourists, but your opinion is helpful to understand different ideas. Thanks.

  5. I agree with you that only the educated travellers should be allowed, therefore they will be more careful wandering around the pristine nature, and not leave their destroying footprints.


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