To Open Up To Tourism Or Not -- Kiu Yan ZHAO

It is hard to pristine natural areas when it was opened up by tourism. However, I do believe that allowing visitors will bring benefits.

To begin with, it can show various natural beauty to the public. Let the public knows that the marvellous side of the world. Those stunning views are the works of God. When people appreciate the statement, they will automatically have a reverence for nature.

Also, it can encourage tourists to advocate for the conservation of such areas when relevant experts are narrating this kind of knowledge. When sightseer knows that the important things with pristine areas and some consequences will happen if people did not care about the environment, they would be more concerned about environmental conservation.

Although some opinions deem opening an area up to tourists leads to the area being despoiled, I think this kind of assumption only happened when authorities did not have some limitations for travellers. If there have a limitation on the number of people, everything would be relatively easy to control. 



  1. I agree with you that when there is a rule of limiting people, and being guided by experts, the visitors will gain knowledge in the right ways of each natural place, which they will conserve its beauty.

  2. I totally agree with your opinion. We should limit the number of tourists so that we can monitor them more easily.

  3. When I went to the place showed on your picture, it was amazing. But at the same, i worried about how long the wonderful nature landscape will last with such a big amount of tourists ruched in.

  4. controlling the number of traveler to manage them well is one of the best way to save the nature. In addition, I think that also can make kind of preciousness to the area and motivated tourist to come that place.

  5. Agreed, successful opening up of pristine areas is all about their management, How may people are going to be allowed in? What activities will be allowed? Who is responsible for monitoring that the rules are being followed and so on. Management must be both careful and sustained. David


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