To Open Up to Tourism or Not - Toey Chanisara

 To Open Up Tourism or Not

In my opinion now a day tourism industry have been famous around the world especially natural tourism. I agree to open up natural area but we have to create rule to protect the environment. However there are also disadvantage that tourists might destroy the environment. We have make sure all the tourism follow the rules and don't do anything that will effect or harm the nature. 

From example in Thailand in the south there is an island called Koh Maya. It have a rich nature, clear water, fish and many coral. In Koh Maya area the governor and tourism industry work together to protect the environment by create rules for example no fishing and do not step on the coral. Another rule that they set is if not a tourist season no one can enter the Koh Maya area. We set this rule because we want nature to recover by it self. 

Also nature tourism or nature attraction create job for many local people. But as I said you have to set the rule. And you have to control all the tourist.



  1. Yes, We can create more jobs and more income through practical rules that allow people to make better use of natural resources.

  2. I can understand you. It is important for the nature to be paid attention. So every tourist has to obey the rule.

  3. Yea, we must have the rules for tourists and control them.

  4. Yes, it is always critical to set some restrictions for tourists.

  5. Makes sense! If tourism in such areas isn't regulated, 'the goose that lays the golden eggs' will be slaughtered -- the areas will lose their attraction if polluted or overdeveloped and people won't want to visit them. David :-)

  6. The rules should be prioritised when we bring tourism and nature together, and the idea of seasoning is great, and this also emphasises how we truly understand the value of its nature.

  7. It makes sense. The examples of Koh Maya island is great.


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