To Open Up Tourism Or Not - Sakura Iyama

 I am against the liberation of all nature for tourism. Therefore, I am in favor of conservationists.

For example, in my experience, but about the sea.

I went on a trip to Hawaii around Christmas 2018. At that time, without the existence of covid-19, I had the image of Hawaii when it came to international travel. Thanks to that, Ala Moana Beach was muddy and not a single fish was to be found there due to trash from tourists and tourists stepping into the ocean. However, when I looked at the post-pandemic images of covid-19 on YouTube, there was no trash on the beach, meaning it was crystal clear and there were even small fish, thanks to the almost complete absence of tourists.

Therefore, I think it is inevitable that nature will be destroyed by tourists. And I think it is impossible for tourists and nature to coexist. Because the reality is that there will always be one person who does not follow the rules.


  1. Yes, it is also the other side that we should think about it.

  2. I think you made a good point in fact how human will easily neglect and exploit the beauty of the nature, whether intentionally or not. At least, we should take responsibility as nature is our home.

  3. I understand your feeling and your opinion, but on the other hand, it is quite difficult to stop all the tourist go to some popular tourist attractions.

  4. Hmm, it is tough when the irresponsible ruin it for everybody, isn't it? Sometimes areas need to be closed to allow for the rejuvenation of nature and then once opened they need to be protected by the introduction of hefty fines for those who litter etc. David


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