
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Movie Worth to Seeing---Lu

I would like to recommend a movie named Love Actually, a romantic comedy directed by Richard Curtis. A movie i want to watch every Christmas. The mile tells nine separate but interconnected love stories, different love in different ways to different peoples, but the same thing is that they all take place five weeks before Christmas. Most of the nine loves stories are not made up o perfect ones are the most touching. The film stars many famous British actors including my favorite Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant. But my favorite character is a washed-up rocker. Personally, what i like most is that the film can express such a beautiful theme in such a warm atmosphere. Love is actually all around. Love is everywhere, family, friendship and lovers. One of my favorite parts is that the man who fell in love with his best friend's wife expressed his love to her on Christmas Eve. He only used cardboard and tape recorder to express his love to the girl. It was so touching. When the  girl gives

A Movie Well Worth Seeing - Himari Kosugi

 A movie I'd recommend you to see is 'Hairspray'.  It is a musical and romance movie and set in Baltimore in 1960s.  Its atmosphere is so pretty and it always makes me happy. Tracy Turnblad, the main girl, is very confident in herself and always proactive.  She does what she wants to do and what she thinks is right.  Her actions always give me courage and makes me positive. I've watched this movie more than 10 times because everything about it-the characters, the contents, the songs, the atmosphere, is great for me!  I want you guys to watch it once and it must make you happy.

A Movie Well Worth Seeing - Sakura Iyama

     In 1912, the Titanic was famous for being a ship that never sank. However, it hit an iceberg and sank. The film depicts the extreme conditions of people in the midst of the ship sinking and people fighting for life and death. In the end, only the wealthy people used a rescue boat and were saved.      When you watch this film, you can see how selfish and self-centered people are by watching their realistic situations. If you want to see people in extreme situations, watch this film.

A Movie Well Worth Seeing - Nonlawan N. (Nadia)

  A movie that I would recommend everyone to see is “Christopher Robin” is a live action, adventure, comedy-drama and family film broadcasted in 2018, by Disney’s.  The setting was taken back to post-World War II of London. There are many characters in the story, namely Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore and friends.  The story is about Christopher Robin who is now a working man living in London, suddenly receives a surprise visit from his childhood friend Winnie the Pooh, who makes him return to the Hundred Acre Wood and start a journey to help Pooh find his friends. Through the journey, allowing Christopher Robin to rediscover the joys of family life, the value of friendship and to appreciate the simple pleasures in life once again. I like this movie because it made me realise among the chaotic life today, we still can find joys, by simply appreciating our little things, family and friendship. And it is a heartwarming movie to watch.

A Movie Well Worth Seeing - Kiu Yan ZHAO

The movie I would like to recommend is not my favourite but is the one that makes me impressed. It is Chicago. It was adapted from a musical to musical film. The movie was set at a nightclub in Chicao in 1920s. It mainly talked about two women, one is a dancer in a nightclub called  Velma Kelly and one is a woman who dreamed to be a famous dancer called Roxie Heart. They both killed their boyfriend and got into jail. Awaiting trial to escape from punishment. The reason why I think the film is worth watching is because the different singing and dancing fragment in the movie is so attractive. It not only showed fabulous performances from actors and actresses but also described the feelings of the character precisely!

A Movie Well Worth Seeing - Toey Chanisara

  Pacific Rim  A movie that I would like to recommend you all to watch is Pacific Rim. There are two episode such as Pacific Rim (2013) and Pacific Rim Uprising (2018). This movie is about robot that control by human fighting with monster Kaiju (Alien) from under the sea. This Robot organization control by government. To active the robot have to connect two human pilot together. If the brain not connecting well the robot can't be control or active. In the movie we don't call robot but we call Jaeger. There are 3 main characters in this movies such as Raleigh Becket, Mako Mori and Stacker Pentecost. Stacker is a head of the governor that control the in the movie.  Mako Mori is an Actress and Raleigh Becket is an actor. I really want you all to watch is movie because the movie teach you that you have to be strong and don't give up. Also success did not come easily you have to put all the effort and strength. Effort will not betray you it take time at last it will come.

A Movie Well Worth Seeing - Hikari Shimizu

     Today, I will introduce a zombie movie, Train to Busan. The main story is inside the high-speed train, which shows the fear of the zombie pandemic and the realistic relationship of the people involved.      When you hear the word “zombie movie,” you will only imagine scary scenes. However, this movie is not just a gory zombie movie, but a movie that makes you feel moved by the love between the characters. You can feel like you get involved in this situation where you must run away and save your life without being caught by zombies. That is why I recommend this movie.

A Movie Well Worth Seeing

W rite a post about a movie you would recommend other students see. In your post, state the name of the movie, say what kind of movie it is, briefly describe the setting, the main characters and the plot and most importantly say why the movie is worth watching. Title your post 'A Movie Well Worth Seeing -- Your Name.'

The Movie Well Worth Seeing - Christian Maeda

My favorite movie is “ Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai”(in English “I want to eat your Pancreas”). This is animation movie based on Japanese light novel written by Yoru Sumino.                  The story starts at the scene that boy meets girl in the hospital. She had a pancreatic cancer and any of her friends don’t know about her cancer except him. Therefore, she made “to do list” that written the things she wants to do before she dead, and she enjoyed a lot of things with him. Unfortunately, this is not Disney movie, and it’s not kind a fantasy story, so in the end of the story she is no longer alive. This is poignant movie, and moving a lot for me. The scene that the boy knew that she passed away was touching me and unforgettable. They were not couple, but they both were important person for each other. I want to mention about the name of characters. Until the end of the movie, no one call the boy on his name. Even the girl didn’t call his name, instead she called him “you”. This is

To Open Up To Tourism Or Not - Himari Kosugi

  I think that pristine natural areas basically shouldn't be opened up to tourism because tourism can destroy such precious nature easily. They have grown over tremendous years. However, espoiling them is much easier than growing up. It means that once pristine natural areas are despoiled, it can be said those are no longer recoverable. It's suck, isn't it? On the other hand, I believe that people can learn a lot of things from precious nature. They can learn how it's important to protect the nature. I think there's a perfect solution to improve both the nature and tourism. Only guided tours should be allowed into the areas. I believe it can make sustainable tourism happen.

To Open Up To Tourism Or Not - Nonlawan Nithikasem (Nadia)

Do you agree that allowing visitors in will raise up a generation of conservationists who will advocate for the conservation of such areas? The pristine natural areas are an important part for tourism that could bring a large amount of money to boost each country’s economy. Nowadays, many people tend to be close to natural places more and more, for adventurous and finding peace purposes, through hustle and bustle life. Therefore, visiting natural places are included in many tourism’s schedules, both domestic and foreign visitors. In my opinion, I strongly agree that allowing visitors, particularly the younger generation, would help to contribute to the preservation of the natural areas. for these several reasons. As allowing more visitors to have self-experiences of each natural place, could enhance their better understanding of how its beautiful and important, which in turn create the sense of more awareness to conserve it. For example, one of the most popular tourist attractions amon

To Open Up to Tourism or Not - Toey Chanisara

  To Open Up Tourism or Not In my opinion now a day tourism industry have been famous around the world especially natural tourism. I agree to open up natural area but we have to create rule to protect the environment. However there are also disadvantage that tourists might destroy the environment. We have make sure all the tourism follow the rules and don't do anything that will effect or harm the nature.  From example in Thailand in the south there is an island called Koh Maya. It have a rich nature, clear water, fish and many coral. In Koh Maya area the governor and tourism industry work together to protect the environment by create rules for example no fishing and do not step on the coral. Another rule that they set is if not a tourist season no one can enter the Koh Maya area. We set this rule because we want nature to recover by it self.  Also nature tourism or nature attraction create job for many local people. But as I said you have to set the rule. And you have to control a

To Open Up To Tourism Or Not - Christian Maeda

I think we should not open up natural areas to tourism to protect the nature.  First of all, I want to share my opinion about tourism and nature conservation. The tourists who do not pay respect to the nature and who do not know how much money and time were used to protect these natures are one of the biggest reasons of despoiling and harming the area. We have to stop them to behave like that, or close up the area to protect the nature and stop tourist coming. Sustainable tourism is impossible with these unacceptable acts by tourists. There is a good example in Japan. Arashiyama in Kyoto is good place to see beautiful bamboo grove and it was famous for sightseeing. Therefore, a lot of foreign tourists were coming there and enjoy the view of Arashiyama bamboo grove. However, in 2018, manager of this bamboo grove found some scratches to the bamboo. To keep beautiful landscape, more than 100 bamboos were cut down, because these scratches would never recover. These unthinkable scratched

To Open Up Tourism Or Not - Sakura Iyama

 I am against the liberation of all nature for tourism. Therefore, I am in favor of conservationists. For example, in my experience, but about the sea. I went on a trip to Hawaii around Christmas 2018. At that time, without the existence of covid-19, I had the image of Hawaii when it came to international travel. Thanks to that, Ala Moana Beach was muddy and not a single fish was to be found there due to trash from tourists and tourists stepping into the ocean. However, when I looked at the post-pandemic images of covid-19 on YouTube, there was no trash on the beach, meaning it was crystal clear and there were even small fish, thanks to the almost complete absence of tourists. Therefore, I think it is inevitable that nature will be destroyed by tourists. And I think it is impossible for tourists and nature to coexist. Because the reality is that there will always be one person who does not follow the rules.

To Open Up To Tourism Or Not - Hikari Shimizu

     I think people will be able to protect the rich nature and create an environment where the plants, insects, and animals living there can live comfortably through opening pristine natural areas to tourism.      To make pristine natural areas as new tourist destinations, tourism will flourish, and a cycle will be created in which the government and businesses will further preserve the environment to keep the tourism industry. It also prevents environmental destruction by using the money it collects from tourists when it comes to sightseeing.      Through tourism, both tourists and operators can rediscover the magnificent and beautiful nature that the Earth brings to us. Therefore, I agree with the opening of pristine natural areas to the tourism industry.

To Open Up To Tourism or No open-----Lu Gan

My opinion is that opening an area up to tourists will not leads to the area being despoiled  as long as we establish a reasonable and effective management mechanism. The   pristine  natural area can be divided into core area, buffer area and experimental area. No activities are allowed in the core area to preserve its natural state and store species; Buffer zone is the transition zone between the core area and the experiments area, the main function is to protect the core area from destruction. The experiment zone may be partially open to natural resources for scientific investigation, research and experiment and education, and may also carry out tourist activities without affecting nature conservation. Secondly, the establishment of institutions, such as population limits, prohibitions and sanctions, in order to better protect the pristine areas. Moreover, be careful with civil construction: roads, Bridges, rope-ways, etc Finally, Improving the management level of operators is one of

To Open Up To Tourism Or Not -- Kiu Yan ZHAO

It is hard to pristine natural areas when it was opened up by tourism. However, I do believe that allowing visitors will bring benefits. To begin with, it can show various natural beauty to the public. Let the public knows that the marvellous side of the world. Those stunning views are the works of God. When people appreciate the statement, they will automatically have a reverence for nature. Also, it can encourage tourists to advocate for the conservation of such areas when relevant experts are narrating this kind of knowledge. When sightseer knows that the important things with pristine areas and some consequences will happen if people did not care about the environment, they would be more concerned about environmental conservation. Although some opinions deem opening an area up to tourists leads to the area being despoiled, I think this kind of assumption only happened when authorities did not have some limitations for travellers. If there have a limitation on the number of people,

To Open Up To Tourism Or Not

To what extent should pristine natural areas be opened up to tourism? Do you agree that allowing visitors in will raise up a generation of conservationists who will advocate for the conservation of such areas? Or do you think that opening an area up to tourists leads to the area being despoiled? Is a 'sustainable tourism' with checks and balances that protect the land, its people & cultures possible? Title your post 'To Open Up To Tourism Or Not -- Your Fist Name Your Second Name' & illustrate your post with a relevant image.

A decision I've made-Lu

It was 3 years ago. When I was in Guangzhou. I had a good job opportunity to be a team leader in an education company. It was my dream to start my career in education industry. It is a well-developed company with good prospects. With my ability, I am very interested and confident to manage the team well. On the other hands, China is a high competitive society especially in some big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou. Therefore, Being a good leader requires more time and energy.   But as a single mother, i have a 8 years old daughter to take care of. A t that time, she needed me more. I t is very difficult for a business women to trike a balance with life and work. I   don ’ t want my daughter come back from school without mother at home.I don ’ t want miss my daughter ’ s growth. Finally I made the decision giving up the job opportunity. I t was difficult but worth it. I   never regret my decision

A Decision I`ve Made -- Sarah Gresch

 The best decision I ever made is that I decided to do my apprenticeship as a pastry chef. At first I thought I wanted to be a cook. When I got all the jobs I wanted, I decided to take the job as a pastry chef. That was the right decision. I do not regret that I made this decision, it was the right one. And I love my job. I think the decisions you have to make for your whole life are very important. Or they simply determine your whole life. That's why you should think about it for a long time..

A Decision I've Made - Himari Kosugi

I'll write about why I decided to study English. I went to a international communication course in a high school. Wakayama, my hometown, has only 2 school which have international courses and each school has only one class. It means that its course was not popular so much and all of my friends chose other schools and courses. It was a kinda challenge for me to choose the course because I needed to make friends from scratch. But I decided to try it. After I enrolled the course, I had lots of chance to communicate with foreign people. For example, I attended 2 international student conferences. However, I wasn't able to talk and discuss much and I regretted them very much. I just felt that I don't want to feel such regrets, then I decided to study English harder. I believe that it was a very good decision because the decision has been making my life more wonderful and meaningful.

A decision I've made - Nonlawan N. (Nadia)

Through many years I’ve made many decisions which far or less shaped me who I become today. One of the best decisions that I’ve made was back to 2012, when I first stepped out of my comfort zone, to see the bigger world. That was my first time going aboard alone to this lovely country, New Zealand which turns to be one of my most blissful memories that it will take a place in my heart as always. I had been an exchange student for one month at Oxford Area School, in Oxford – a small city near Christchurch, where there are more sheep than people. Every morning I could see a beautiful view, with the greenery farmlands with many sheep lying down under the clear blue sky. Further away, there was a range of mountain covered by the white snow. This could say that it is worth wasting time while waiting for the school bus. Not only the view that impressed me, people here - my host family, classmates, and everyone I met, they are all friendly and nice to me. What’s more, I had been explori

A Decision I've Made - Hikari Shimizu

     When I was in the third grade of junior high school, I decided to quit classical ballet, which I had been doing for 10 years. Looking back, the decision had a significant impact on my life.      My mother had taken me to a public classical ballet performance when I was four years old, and I longed for ballet dancers who danced classical ballet gracefully, so I started learning classical ballet when I was 5 years old. I have been learning it for 10 years, and sometimes I have been hurt, scolded by my teacher because I could not do my tasks well, but I have always loved classical ballet. I have wanted to keep dancing it until I die.      However, when I was 15 years old, I had to quit classical ballet to take the high school entrance exam. To take the entrance examination for an advanced school, I had to devote my time for practicing classical ballet to time for studying. I was very worried about it because I knew that my future would change greatly depending on whether I took c

A Decision I've Made - Christian Maeda

    I am now attending to Meijo challengers program which is provided by my Japanese university. Trough this program, I learn a lot of thing such as leadership, the way to create own carrier plan, and global mind. Therefore, I am really happy with attending to this program, but it was hard to decide to take this program. T here are several points that make this decision hard for me.        One of the biggest points was about the place and the time the classroom held. If I become a member of this program, I had to take a bus to go to the other campus to take that class. In addition, because this is extra class, it finish at 20ish. It took more than one hour to come back home, it means I cannot start doing my homework untill 22 o'clock. I also cannot have a dinner with my family because I come back home late. That is the worst thing.     However, I decide to take that program. Because of that one of the statement written on the offer letter strike me. It said I can go to America for