
Showing posts from February, 2023

Surveillance technology - Riri Matsushima

      Surveillance technology has benefits for society and individuals lives. For example, CCTV can solve or reduce crime. Another example is tracking cookie, which allows companies to advertise effectively. However, personal information collected by surveillance technology is often used for crime. In one case, there were an incident that an officer was using number plate recognition to monitor the movement of an individual. There is also no end to incident that personal information collected by companies is traded by insiders or third-party. In addition, beliefs and medical history may be used to disadvantage individuals based on discrimination or prejudice. And those problems are not adequately addressed now. As mentioned at the beginning, surveillance technology has many benefits. Legislation is needed to ensure that they are used correctly.

Surveillance Technology-Nagisa Kanakubo

  I think surveillance technology is necessary for our safety. However, it can be dangerous thing.  That technology is very useful to prevent crime and keep cities safe. In fact, there are so many CCTV cameras all over my country. And I have never been involved in crime. That tells us thanks to them, we can live more peacefully. However, some of them make me uncomfortable. For example, when I realize that someone is watching my movement, shopping habits and myself, I feel scared even if I don’t have nothing to hide. In other words, I worry that someone can identify me if my personal information is leaked.  In short, surveillance technology is important, but I feel that our privacy may be invaded.

Surveillance Technology-Yuki Takeyama

     Our daily lives are being watched unknowingly. In the city, you can find some surveillance technology. First, CCTV camera helps crime prevention. I think this camera protects our life. If you met pickpocket in the station, the cops can check the camera to be able to catch the pick pocket. Second, facial recognition technology. In my opinion, it is little bit scare but it can be useful. In Japan, recently, unmanned convenience store has been started. Unmanned convenience store use facial recognition technology to automatically make payments using a pre-registered payment method. I think it is very useful and good for understaffed job. In conclusion, we're being watched by cameras more than we think, and information is connected to a lot of things.

Surveillance Technology - Hikari Shimizu

Society is protected by surveillance technology which is keeping us safe. I think these technologies are necessary to live our daily lives more comfortably.  CCTV and facial recognition technology play an important role in solving a lot of crimes. These are also available as evidence, so people can find and identify criminals more easily and clearly. In addition, having some surveillance systems can make people realize that they are constantly being watched by someone, so it can help control crime and illegality. Police and companies are able to crack down more strictly on unpaid parking fees and traffic violations, such as speeding and ignoring traffic lights by using number plate recognition.  However, if some technologies are used in the wrong way, that could be an invasion of privacy. If the system was hacked and personal information such as name, address, age and face were leaked to strangers, we end up putting ourselves at risk rather than protecting ourselves. In conclusion, sur

Surveillance Technology-Hazuki Mikami

    I think that s urveillance technology have good aspects and bad aspects. So, I can't completely decide it is good or bad. I'll show you the example of them.      First, one of good aspects is that we can live safely. Thanks to the technology like CCTV cameras or facial recognition, police can get information to arrest criminals. This result in decreasing of crimes and making the city safe.     Then, one of bad aspects is that our plivacy is invaded. We are always watched by someone. Someone know what we bought, where we go, when we come back home or somrthing like that. It is strange, isn' it?      That is to say, we can take their benefits by keeping the aspects in our minds. Reference

Surveillance Technology-Satomi Moriguchi

  I think CCTV cameras are very useful in our lives, because if your wallet, cell phone or other valuables are stolen, a CCTV camera can be very helpful to find the culprit. This would reduce crimes such as theft and robbery.  On the other hand, CCTV cameras are always watching us. This also raises the issue of invasion of our privacy. However, if we take measures to prevent the information from CCTV cameras from being abused, our privacy will not be violated.Then our lives will be much safer. I think microchips in products which feed information back to producers is a technology that makes it easier to find what you want. Producers can also use this technology to improve sales of their products. Therefore, I think this technology is a win-win situation for both producers and customers. I also thought about number plate recognition. This could be useful not only in speeding enforcement, but also in identifying car thieves. Therefore, I think number plate recognition should be installed

Surveillance Technology - Hanako Fujimoto

  I think surveillance technologies are essential for our safe living.  CCTV cameras, facial recognition technology, and number plate recognition would help prevent crimes such as housebreakers and find criminals. Using many of these technologies would reduce crime. Microchips in products would help to create better products and it will enable us to buy what suits us.  However, surveillance technologies have not only a positive side. For example, there is a possibility that our personal data is leaked and abused by someone. In addition, the things that we don’t want to be seen such as a password or any other private things can be caught on CCTV cameras.  While it is important to stay safe, our privacy must also be well protected. I think people should strive for the development of surveillance technologies to take balance safe living and privacy protection.

Surveillance Technology- Hiromi Yoshioka

   I think the surveillance technology will help keep us safe, because if we use surveillance technology, we can notice crimes easily. The surveillance technology will help us to prevent or solve crime. Also, the picture quality of security cameras is really good these days, so the police can identify criminals more easily and it will help move investigation forward smoothly. Also, not only for prevention or investigation of crime, but for children's safety, the surveillance technology is useful. It means that if a child gets lost, parents or other adults can search for him or her by using the surveillance technology. That technology must help improve safety for children.   However, the surveillance technology can sometimes invade our privacy if it is used wrongly. The abuse of the surveillance technology is dangerous for us, because the abuse of that technology measns that someone can know what we do or recognize our personal information without noticing us. So, we must understand

Surveillance Technology - Himari Kosugi

    I think surveillance technology makes our lives more secure.  For instance, CCTV cameras, facial recognition technology, and number plate recognition will help the police catch the criminals.  These technology gives the police a lot of evidence.  Therefore, it is obvious that the police can find and arrest the criminals easier.  It means that crimes will solve and our society will be more secure.     However, these surveillance technologies have some dangerous aspects.  For example, there is a possibility that our personal information may be leaked.  Many people, including me, don't know the system of these technologies well.  It means that we may surrender our information without know it.     From above, I think that surveillance technology basically has a lot of benefits, but it also has dangerous aspects that must be considered.

Surveillance TechnologyーKana Kawamura

  I think this is a difficult quest ion, but these technologies are necessary for our lives. I think the installation of CCTV is useful and most important because it can prevent crimes. Additionally, I think facial recognition technology is effective because it also becomes deterrence of crimes. However, CCTV cameras and facial recognition technology are dangerous and be at risk if personal information is leaked. Microchips in products that feed information back to producers are unimportant to me. I think people should choose products on their own that they want to buy.  I think money should be spent on more important things.   In conclusion, I think these techniques have advantages and disadvantages. However, all things considered, these are important for our lives.

Surveillance Technology- Hidemi Sato

The life gets more easier when the time passed by. The surveillance Technology is now be more widely available than ever. They contribute to improve public safety and reduce the number of criminals by using them such as CCTV, and facial recognition technology. They can make our life more convenient and make our life better as long as they are used in a right way, otherwise we can be in a danger. CCTV is one of the common surveillance technology in Japan. It contributes to solve crimes as long as recording, however, I doubt it might invent of privacy since someone is monitoring me whenever I go or whatever I do. In terms of safety,  facial recognition technology is not really good one because it can scan all personal information based on people’s face. In addition, the microchip on products is useful for doing a market research. Market companies can research every single of customer’s interest or shopping habit from recording. What concerns me is market companies can target me without r

Surveillance Technology: Keeping Us Safe or an Invasion of Privacy?

  What do you think about surveillance technology? How do you feel about CCTV cameras, facial recognition technology, microchips in products which feed information back to producers and number plate recognition? What are the benefits of these various kinds of technology and what are their dangers?

I Would like Some Advice - Toey Chanisara Kruakaew

 Hi Miki, How are you? My name is Toey. I'm studying in New Zealand. I'm a person that is not very good at grammar but I'm not shy to have a conversation with others. I understand your situation. If you are shy of speaking with other people I would like to recommend you an application named "Hello English". You can download it free. It is available on Appstore and Android. You can practice speaking on this app. It have many different levels of english. Also, it had an AI that you can have conversation with you anytime you want. The AI can chat and reply you immediately. Also it had function that you can choose the level it start from beginner to advanced. I think this application is an option and good start if you are shy to talk with others. I recommend you to use this app practice and when you have confident you can try and out of comfort zone to communicate with other people. As you told me you end up talking to students in the coffee bar, keep doing that Miki.

I Would Like Some Advice - Riri Matsushima

     Hi Miki,     I know exactly how you feel because I'm in a similar situation.     I'm studying English in New Zealand as an international student and there are a lot of students who come from Japan like me. One idea is talking to other students using English, not your own language. I live in a  host family's house and an other student lives in a same house as well. We set a simple rule, "Try to talk to each other in English." It's easier than talking to a stranger for a shy person like us. Sometimes we can think about better phrases, words or grammar together. You might reach grammar to other students, which will be good practice too.    Hope that helps. Good luck!

I Would Like Some Advice - Hikari Shimizu

Hi Miki, I know how you feel because I’m in a similar situation in New Zealand. Also, I’m quite a shy person and I don’t have confidence in my speaking, either! However, no matter how shy, you have to continue talking with your friends, classmates, teachers, host families and people who are around you by using English. Since you’re in a special place, you must treasure the opportunities given to you. I think it’s really helpful for you to not be shy and keep talking. If you keep going, you will be able to build your confidence more and more. You are so good at grammar that you can be a great speaker! If all else fails, you should create an environment in which you have to keep talking with your friends in English, such as joining a club, hanging out with your friends, having lunch with your friends and so on. I hope that helps. Good luck! Keep going! Hikari Shimizu

I Would Like Some Advice- Yuki Takeyama

 Hi Miki, I know exactly how you feel because I'm a little shy person. I'm studying NZ and there's English all around me too! I have an idea about your problem. How about joining clubs? I think it's a very good opportunity to talk  with local students. Your grammar is good so you can do it! I think speaking English with people is very helpful to improve your English. Please have fun and enjoy your school life in the UK. I hope this idea helps you. As I mentioned, I'm studying in NZ so I really want to get in touch with you and share some difficult things and fun things! Sincerely,  Yuki

I Would Like Some Advice - Emi Kawamori

 Hi Miki, I can sympathize with you because I'm also studying abroad. I have some idea that I can tell you is to think other people as friends. If you talk to people like you talk to your friends, they may talk to you casually and you can be much closer to the students in UK. Other one is "think of yourself as a sociable person". I'm a little shy, but sometimes I do this and I can talk to people more freely. I think that this way is a little bit difficult for a shy person, but have confidence and please try to do this. They may invite you to go anywhere and you can make some good memories. I wish good luck. Emi Kawamori

I Would Like Some Advice - Himari Kosugi

 Hi Miki,     I know exactly how you feel because I'm in a similar situation.  I stay in New Zealand and also I don't feel confident about speaking.  I know a good idea which has helped me.  You should go to the city and buy something.  When you want to buy something, you have to talk with the cashier.  It's one of the good opportunities to practise speaking English.  Also, they will never remember your face and name, so you don't need to be shy even you make mistakes.  And it is the another good idea to talk in English with your friends who came from the same country with you.  You and your friends can improve English with each other.     Hope that help.

I Would Like Some Advice - Sachiko Matsushita

Hi Miki, I know exactly how you feel because I’m in a completely similar situation.  Now, I’m staying in New Zealand to study English for a month, so I’m surrounded by English every day.  However, I’m also quite shy and I don’t have confidence in my English at all.  But, I think there is an only way to improve our speaking Speaking skill that is keep trying to speak English.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  I know speaking in your language is much easier than English, but don’t forget your purpose why you came to the UK.  Every cloud has silver lining.  We can overcome this difficult situation. Sachiko

I Would like some advice - Nagisa Kanakubo

Hi, Miki.     I understand your situation very well. I’m studying English in New Zealand but I always get nervous when I speak to my host family. Moreover, many students come from Japan like me, so I talk with my friend in Japanese.   However, I have an idea. How about talking with other students in English? I think you can practice speaking at ease. There’s no problem if you make mistakes. You just try to use English. Also, your friends can practice at the same time. You should talk and give advice to each other. When you feel that your English is getting better, you should try to talk with some English speakers.   I hope you try this out. Good luck!   Nagisa

I Would Like Some Advice - Sakura Iyama

Hi, Miki Thank you for e-mailing me. I can understand your situation. It is because I am studying abroad in New Zealand now. I think that I am in the similar situation to you. If you are doing homestay in UK, you should be free to talk to your hastfamily. In my opinion, your hostfamily will understand that you are in truble with communication. I realized that many people do not care about making mistakes. I think making mistakes helps you to improve your English skills. I recommend you to go out alone and you should ask someone for help. I think it is the best way to communicate with strangers. And, you should be proud of yourself because you have got enough grammar skills. Wihout talking to other students, when do you use your grammar skills? Why don't you talk to someone? Don't give up making friends in UK. It may be tough for you to talk to someone, but don't hesitate to make some mistakes. Please keep talking to someone. If you do not have any friends to talk to, and if

I Would Like Some Advice— Hidemi Sato

 Hi, Miki. I totally feel you because I’m in a similar situation. I’d studied in Canada for 3 years. when I looked back at the time, I didn’t have lots of confidence and I was too shy to communicate with people. You must get exhausted and struggle every day. I’d like to give you some useful advice.  When I was in Canada, I tried to listen to podcasts and watch American movies as much as possible. If you keep doing that, your listening skill will get improved more and more. Communication start from listening. Then, you need to talk with people in English as much as possible. Even if you don’t have confidence right now, people will understand you. Most people are kind and friendly. I’m sure they will understand what you try to say. Don’t be too scared to make a conversation with people. Fake it till you make it. You can do it! I hope you try this out and get used to it as I did. I wish you the best luck in your future endeavours!                                                           

I Would Like Some Advice-Satomi Moriguchi

  Hi Miki   I think it’s a little difficult for to solve your problem, but I came up with the solutions. Don’t care if your English is right or not and to talk to everyone you meet. It is the best way to improve your English skill to talk to native person as much as possible. By doing this you are also able to learn not only pronunciation but also slang. This will help you to make new friends as well. I hope you try this out and enjoy it as much as I did. I wish you good luck is in your future endeavors.   Satomi    

I Would Like Some Advice - Kana Kawamura

  Hi Miki, I know exactly how you feel because I’m in a similar situation. Now, I am studying in New Zealand and also struggle to speak with the native people because I am shy. I know I’s a good idea to make friends and speak English with them. I think speaking English with friends is easier than speaking with native people, so I recommend you to make friends. If you can speak English with friends, you can have confidence, and you will be able to speak with native speakers. It’s really helped me to become more confident and easier to speak with native people. I wish you good luck and the best success in your future endeavors! Kana

I Would Like Some Advice!

  What problems do you have with learning English? What do you need advice on? Write a post in which you ask for advice. David :-)

Welcome to Our Blog

  Hi class, welcome to our blog. I am looking forward to interacting with you all here. Watch this space for the blog post 1 prompt. See you soon, David :-)